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    카테고리 없음 2022. 9. 22. 00:11

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    06.08.2022 19 레드

    Website Members• Red Velvet : 레드벨벳; : Redeubelbet is a South Korean formed and managed by. They originally debuted on August 1, 2014, with the single "" with the four-member line-up of, and. A fifth member,joined the group in March 2015, following the release of their first mini album. Musically, the work of Red Velvet reflects their own group name: their predominantly- "red" side experiments occasionally withandwhile their "velvet" side focuses on '90s-influenced with elements of and. Their genre versatility and have garnered critical praise. The group's Korean-language discography includes two studio albums, one reissue album, one compilation album, vpn account ten extended plays—eleven of which have topped the South Korean. Their hit singles "" and "" reached number one vpn account

    18.08.2022 곰 믹스

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    18.08.2022 2022 대선 사전 투표

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    28.07.2022 에포나 증표 효율

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